Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Books of Aleister Crowley

The Libri of Aleister Crowley

Books of Aleister Crowley

Books, by title

[Book | Liber | PDF | Amazon]
ABA (Book Four / Magick)
AHA (Liber CCXLII / Book 242)
AL vel Legis, Liber (The Book of the Law / Liber CCXX / Book 220)
Aleister Crowley's Illustrated Goetia, by Lon Milo DuQuette and Christopher Hyatt
Aleph, Liber (The Book of Wisdom or Folly / Equinox Vol III, No 6)
Bagh I Muattar (The Scented Garden of Abdullah the Satirist of Shiraz) (1910)
Book Four (ABA / Magick)
Book of Wisdom or Folly, The (Liber Aleph / The Equinox, Vol III, No 6)
Book of Thoth, The (The Equinox, Vol III, No 4)
Book of Lies, The (Liber CCCXXXIII / Book 333)
Diary of a Drug Fiend, The
Drug and Other Stories, The
Enochian World of Aleister Crowley: Enochian Sex Magick by Aleister Crowley, Lon Milo DuQuette and Christopher Hyatt
Equinox, The —Volume I, Numbers 1-10
[HTML | No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | No 4 | No 5 | No 6 | No 7 | No 8 | No 9 | No 10 | Amazon]
Equinox, The—Volume II, Not issued.
During the period of time that this volume would have been produced, Crowley was in the Americas working on various efforts, including The International.
Equinox, The —Volume III:
  • No 2, Never released
  • No 9, The Holy Books of Thelema
  • No 10, “OTO issue”
Equinox, The—Volume IV:
  • No 1, Commentaries on the Holy Books and Other Papers
  • No 2, The Vision & the Voice, with Commentary and Other Papers
Equinox of the Gods, The (Equinox, Vol III, No 3)
Gems from the Equinox
General Principles of Astrology, The
Goetia, The: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King (Liber CCCLXV/365)
Jephthah (1899)
Khing Kang King (Liber XXI/21)
Law Is For All, The
Magical Record of the Beast 666, The: The Diaries of Aleister Crowley 1914-1920
Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley, 1923-25
Magick (Liber ABA, Book 4) — Sections I–IV
Moonchild (Liber LXXXI/81)
Revival of Magick and Other Essays, The — Oriflamme (OTO) Number 2
Shih Yi (Equinox Vol III, No 7)
Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden; also, The Nameless Novel
Soul of Osiris, The (1901 / Temple of the Holy Ghost)
Spirit of Solitude, The (The Confessions of Aleister Crowley)
Summa Spes (1903)
Tannhäuser (1901)
Tao Teh King (Equinox Vol III, No 8)
Temple of Solomon the King, The (Serialized in The Equinox, Vol I)
Temperance (1939)
Vision and The Voice, The (Liber CCCCXVIII / Book 418 / Equinox Vol IV, No 2)
White Stains (1898)


Books, by date

Three periods of Crowley writing can conveniently divided in relation to Equinox I, and then there are the ongoing additional posthumous works.

Early #

Crowley’s early period (1898-1905), before Equinox I.
Aceldama (1898)
Tale of Archais, The (1898)
Songs of the Spirit (1898)
Jephthah (1898)
Poem, The (1898)
Mysteries (1898)
Jezebel (1898)
White Stains (1898)
An Appeal to the American Republic (1899)
Mother’s Tragedy, The (1901)
Soul of Osiris, The (1901, The Temple of the Holy Ghost)
Carmen Sæculare (1901)
Tannhäuser (1902)
Ambrosii Magi Hortus Rosarum (1902)
The Three Characteristics (1902)
Berashith: An Essay On Ontology (1903)
Science and Buddhism (1903)
The Excluded Middle; or, The Sceptic Refuted
Alice, An Adultery (1903)
The God Eater (1903)
Summa Spes (1903)
Ahab (1903)
The Star and the Garter (1903)
In Residence (1904)
The Argonauts (1904)
Why Jesus Wept (1904)
The Sword of Song (1904)
Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden (c. 1904 / The Nameless Novel)
The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King (1904, as editor)
[HTML | PDF | Amazon]
Oracles (1905)
Orpheus (1905)
Rosa Mundi (1905)
Sire de Maletroit’s Door, The (1905)
Gargoyles (1905)
Rodin in Rime (1905)
Eleusis (1905)
The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley (3 vol., 1905-7)
[HTML | Amazon: Vol I Vol II Vol III]

Middle #

Crowley’s middle period, the years around Equinox I (1907-1914)
Equinox, The, Vol I
Konx Om Pax (1907)
Amphora (1908, reissued as Hail Mary, 1912)
original Liber AL (1909)
Clouds without Water (1909)
Liber 777 (1909)
The World’s Tragedy (1910)
The Scented Garden of Abdullah the Satirist of Shiraz (Bagh-i-muattar) (1910)
Rosa Decidua (1910)
The Winged Beetle (1910)
Ambergris (1910)
The “Rosicrucian” Scandal (1911)
Household Gods (1912)
Book 4, Parts I-II (1912-1913, with Mary Desti)
Liber CCCXXXIII, The Book of Lies (1913)
Fun of the Fair (1913)
Chicago May (1914)

Late #

His late period, after Equinox I, covering some of Eq III
Diary of a Drug Fiend (1922)
Songs for Italy (1923)
Moonchild (1929)
The Spirit of Solitude,
subsequently re-antichristened The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (1929, vols. 1-2 only)
Magick in Theory and Practice (being Part III of Book 4) (1929-30, with Leila Waddell)
The Equinox of the Gods (The Equinox III(3), 1936)
Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX (1938)
The Heart of the Master (1938)
Little Essays Toward Truth (1938)
Khing Kang King (1939)
Eight Lectures on Yoga (The Equinox III(4), 1939)
Temperance (1939)
Thumbs Up (1941)
The City of God (1943)
The Book of Thoth (The Equinox III(5), 1944, with Frieda Harris)
Olla: An Anthology of Sixty Years of Song (1946)

Posthumous #

Posthumous works, compilations and reconstructions
Liber XXX Ærum vel Sæculi Sub Figura CCCCXVIII: the Vision and the Voice, with Commentary (1952)
The Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw (1953)
Magick without Tears (1954)
777 Revised (1955)
[PDF | Amazon]
Liber Aleph vel CXI, The Book of Wisdom or Folly (The Equinox III(6), 1961)
The Book of Lies with an additional commentary (1962)
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (1969, abridged ed. of vols. 1-6)
Atlantis (1970)
Shih Yi (The Equinox III(7), 1971)
Liber CLVII, The Tao Teh King (The Equinox III(8), 1971)
ΘΕΛΗΜΑ: The Holy Books of Thelema (The Equinox III(9), 1983)
The Equinox III(10) (1986)
Golden Twigs (1988)
The Law is for All (auth. ed. 1996)
Commentaries on the Holy Books and Other Papers (The Equinox IV(1), 1996)
The Vision and the Voice with Commentary and Other Papers (The Equinox IV(2), 1998)
The Revival of Magick (1998)
Magick (Book 4, Parts I-IV) (1994, 1997)
Gems from the Equinox
Thoth tarot deck
General Principles of Astrology
The Progradior Correspondence, Letters by Aleister Crowley, C. S. Jones, & Others
Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley. A Correspondence


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