Monday, March 23, 2015

Rasmieh Odeh Sentenced to 18 Months In Prison, Then Deportation to Jordan

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May be we should learn some fact about Palestine
Mar 20, 2015 01:28
BY the way, How do you know that she is a Muslim. I thought she was a Christian Palestinian who follows George Habash, who are known to be virulent and violent, much more violent than PLO.
Oh, I guess you don't know that Palestine comprised of Christians, Jews and Muslims.
PFLP and PLO had several Christian and Jews who actively fought Israeli occupation and still does.
The land of Palestine or PHILISTIN as mentioned in the Bible over 2015 years ago existed a long before then. So they don't need any legitimacy and UN permission or permission of America or so called todays Israel to be there in their own land!

Send her to Israel
Submitted by Gene Groby, Mar 18, 2015 02:59
I understand that she should serve time in prison, but they should have deported her back to Israel and force her to live under those conditions again for her deception.

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