Friday, March 20, 2015

Obama Addresses His People -- in Iran!

Obama Addresses His People -- in Iran!


RUSH:  You know, folks, that election in Israel, the victory, Benjamin Netanyahu, that has really confounded Obama.  Do you know what Obama did?  He recorded a video address to the people of Iran and blamed the hardliners in both of our countries, he's telling the people of Iran, for all the mess that's going on in the Middle East.  It's unprecedented.
President Obama has used the Nowruz statement to speak directly to the people of Iran.  And what he did, he compared Iranian hardliners to Americans who are skeptical of his nuclear deal with Iran.  So here's the president of the United States speaking to the people of Iran.  He is in the process of arranging and negotiating a nuclear deal with the mullahs of Iran, which will give them a nuclear weapon in ten years, if we are to believe what we're being told about the deal.
Obama goes on television in Iran to complain about Americans.  And he equates the American people who disagree with him to hardliners in Iran who disagree with their government.  He compares Iranian hardliners to Americans who are skeptical of his deal.  We must have audio sound bites of this.  It's unprecedented.  An American president addressing the Iranians.  Here.  Just listen.
OBAMA:  Hello.  To everyone celebrating Nowruz -- across the United States and in countries around the world -- Nowruz Mubarak.  This year we had the best opportunity in decades to pursue a different future between our countries.  Just over a year ago we reached an initial understanding regarding Iran's nuclear program.  I believe that our countries should be able to resolve this issue peacefully with diplomacy.  Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, and President Rouhani has said that Iran would never develop a nuclear weapon.
RUSH:  Oh, my, folks, be still my beating brain.  What in the world is going on here?  So the president of the United States addresses his people, the Iranians.  To everyone celebrating Nowruz across the United States?  Did we let the kids out of school today for Nowruz?  (interruption)  Yeah, we didn't, but we should have.  Nowruz is not a national holiday in America?  Well, the sacrilege of that.  Nowruz and in countries around the world, Nowruz Mubarak he said, Nowruz Mubarak.  What in the world is going on here?  "This year we have the best opportunity in decades to pursue a different future between our countries."
He's talking to the leaders, the people who are imprisoned by the state sponsors of terrorism, the biggest worldwide sponsors of terrorism.  "I believe that our country should be able to resolve this issue --" why are we even talking to Iran? Can somebody answer a question, why are we even talking to them?  We're so far gone that we've lost sight of that basic question.  Why in the world are we talking to Iran?  Why are we negotiating the whole subject of nuclear weaponry with them?
General Petraeus, you gotta praise his guts.  General Petraeus is out there today saying that Iran is a greater threat to the United States than ISIS, and Obama doesn't really think either one of them is much of a threat.  He doesn't give ISIS much the time of day.  Everything he does is perfunctory there, and now he's on Iranian TV, and don't doubt me, folks.  A sizable percentage of the Iranian population does not like its government and would love to be able to get rid of it.
And this is one of the problems that has -- I think it's a problem.  There have been a lot of opportunities in the last 10 to 15 years to show solidarity with the people of Iran and to help them pose and create and participate in an uprising against their government.  We're never gonna send boots on the ground in Iran.  We're never gonna do anything militarily to effect Regime change there, but there are other ways to influence the outcome of events in that country, and there's a sizable percentage of the population which does not like the mullahs, which does not like the ayatollahs, the current leadership, and would like a different kind of government.  We have really not fully explored encouraging those people.
Now here's Obama on television siding with the mullahs and telling the people of Iran, hey, you know what?  I just got off the phone with the Ayatollah Khamenei, and he's issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons.  Are you kidding me?  Does anybody really believe this?  That the Ayatollah Khamenei has issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons, and Obama's on Iranian TV telling them this?  "I believe our countries should be able to resolve the issue."  What issue?  What are we talking to them about?  What is the issue?
If the Ayatollah Khamenei here has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, then why are we talking to them?  What is there to worry about?  What the hell are we negotiating?  If the Ayatollah Khamenei has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons and President Rouhani has said that Iran would never develop nuclear weapons, then what are we talking to them about?  (interruption)  No, I'm not asking it rhetorically.  I'm being serious.  Why are we negotiating?  This doesn't make any sense.  And even if the Ayatollah Khamenei had issued a fatwa against, there's no such thing as a fatwa against nuclear weapons.  You issue a fatwa against infidels.  A fatwa is against your enemy.
This is absurd.  But it's beyond absurd.  This is surreal.  So our ally, Israel, has a presidential election. Netanyahu wins in a landslide, and Obama is so ticked off, he decides that Israel's not worthy of friendship anymore because this victory of Netanyahu is such a diss that he's gonna sidle up to the Iranians?  Here's another except from the president's speech to the people of Iran and all the other nations, including the United States, celebrating Nowruz Mubarak around the world.
OBAMA:  The days and weeks ahead will be critical.  Our negotiations have made progress, but gaps remain. And there are people, in both our countries and beyond, who oppose a diplomatic resolution.
RUSH:  To what?
OBAMA:  My message to you -- the people of Iran -- is that, together, we have to speak up for the future we seek. It’s up to all of us, Iranians and Americans, to seize this moment and the possibilities that can bloom in this new season. Thank you, and Noroozetan Pirooz.
RUSH:  What in the world, folks, is happening here.  Why, if there's a fatwa in Iran against nuclear weapons, why in the world do we need a diplomatic resolution?  A diplomatic resolution to what?  "There are people in both our countries and beyond who oppose the diplomatic --"  What are we diplomacizing here, if there's a fatwa against nukes?  What, are there some rogue elements in Iran developing a nuclear weapon despite the fatwa against it by the Ayatollah Khamenei?  "It's all up to us, Iranians and Americans."  We are allied?  We are now allied with the Iranians in that region?  Noroozetan Pirooz?  Really?
RUSH: Here's Eric in Margate, New Jersey.  I'm glad you called, sir.  You're up first on Open Line Friday.  Hello.
CALLER:  Hey, Rush.
RUSH:  Hey.
CALLER:  Great to talk with you.
RUSH:  Thank you, sir.
CALLER:  I wanted to talk about Iran real quick.  Two points.
RUSH:  Yeah.
CALLER:  Excuse me.
RUSH:  Yeah.
CALLER:  In the eighties, when I was in my thirties, the Iranians took our people hostage when the ayatollah took over, and they paraded them around for two years, blindfolded. Which I don't know about you, but after about six months of it I was getting PO'd. A lot of people out there didn't live through it but in this Iraq war we just had, the Iranians were smuggling in IEDs that blew up a lot of our soldiers.
RUSH:  Right.
CALLER:  They were killed and maimed.
RUSH:  That's right.
CALLER:  And I don't see how we're having any dealings with them at all.
RUSH:  My question, too.  I don't know what we're talking to 'em about either.  What in the world...? The only reason to talk to these people is to talk them out of or to give them the lay of the land.  "You will not have a nuclear."  But we're not doing that.  But you're exactly right.  Iran manufactures all those IEDs, the improvised explosive devices, that have ruined, wounded, killed American soldiers.  The American Hostage Crisis gave us Nightline.  That's another thing.  It doesn't make sense.  The world seems like it's upside down.
Happy Nowruz!  Nowruz barakaba!
Yes, how about that.

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