Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Obama Caught Lying On His 2006 U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report

Obama Caught Lying On His 2006 U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report

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As reported by “The Obama Hustle” : https://theobamahustle.wordpress.com/2011/08/11/%e2%80%9cquestions-answered-for-the-obama-104500-00-%e2%80%9cbuffer-zone-a-gift-from-rita-rezko-to-the-trust/ and at World Net Daily article : Tax Fraud Suspected In Obama Land Deal it is now known that Barack H Obama has possibly committed real estate and tax fraud as it pertains to the house that he does not own in Chicago, located at 5046 S Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615.
The following graphic images will illustrate the point that the Obama’s own nothing.  It has also been stated that the Obama’s own/started the trust that owns 5046 S Greenwood Ave and again the answer to that question is no.  The Northern Trust Co., Trust # 10209 which is a  Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT ) is the actual owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave.
Fig 1.  Source: The Cook County Recorder of Deeds
Name:   NORTHERN TRUST CO TR  Dates:   Any To
 Role:   Grantor  Document Type:   Any

Document No. Document Type Date Recorded PIN Grantor Grantee

0535335180 MORTGAGE 12/19/2005 20-11-115-034-0000 NORTHERN TRUST CO TR NORTHERN TRUST CO

0517233011 MORTGAGE 06/21/2005 20-11-115-034-0000 NORTHERN TRUST CO TR NORTHERN TRUST CO

The above image illustrates the actual owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave.  It needs to be noted that these are the transactions that created PIN # 20-11-115-037-0000 which in-turn absorbed the “buffer zone” illegally in 2007
The following graphic image illustrates the actual owner of the so-called Obama “buffer zone”.
Fig 2.  Source: The Cook County Recorder of Deeds
Documents for PIN:20-11-115-035-0000

Document No. Document Type Date Recorded Grantor/Trust No. Grantee/Trust No. Prior Document

0604733162 DEED IN TRUST 02/16/2006 REZKO RITA M NORTHERN TRUST CO TR / 10209
The above image illustrates the actual owner of the so-called Obama “buffer zone” and it is not the Obama’s as stated by Barack H Obama in 2008 when he was question about the ownership and transfer of the property in a separate real estate transaction with Rita Rezko in 02/2006 of which he claims that he paid $104,500.00 for the plot which has since been absorbed with out ever being properly assessed or taxed as a separate real estate transaction should have been.
The following image was emailed to The Obama Hustle stating that this is the record showing that the Obama’s are the true owners of 5046 S Greenwood Ave.  Pay close attention to the so-called proof and see for yourself the abnormalities within this document.
Fig 3

The above document does not prove that the Obama’s own 5046 S Greenwood Ave. nor does it rove that they own a “Trust” of any kind.  Furthermore, the document is referring to beneficiary signatures signed in “Lake” County and not Cook County.  This document was also completed in the presence of William Miceli who was Barack Obama former supervisor at the Law Firm of  Miner Barnhill & Galland.
The above information is leading to this explanation referencing Barack Obama’s 2006 United States Senate Financial Disclosure Report.  As noted above in 02/2006 when the separate real estate transaction took place for the purchase of the $104,500.00 “buffer zone” Obama specifically state that he purchased the lot directly from Rezko.  It has also been stated that the Obama own/started the Trust that owns 5046 S Greenwood Ave.  The above images prove that to be false.
The following graphic image was collected from OpenSecrets.org  The following image is from Obama’s 2006 U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report which has to be completed annually.
Fig 4

As noted in the above image it clearly states that, “Any purchase, sale, or exchange by you, your spouse, or dependent child during the reporting period of any real property” must be noted in Part IV under Transactions in excess of $1000.00.  Then Senator Barack Obama failed to mention the separate real estate transaction that was separate from the transaction involving his supposed home in Chicago for the Rezko “buffer zone” a transaction which was in excess of $1,000.00, a clear violation of Senate Ethics Rules.
Q.  Why did Senator Barack Obama in 2006 not disclose the purchase of real property (a separate real estate transaction that did not involve a personal residence) as stipulated by the report which was over $1,000.00 in value and which must be completed truthfully so as to show complete transparency in then Senator Barack Obama’s financial disclosures?
Q.  Could it be that Barack Obama did not want to show that he was not the actual owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave.?
Q.  Could it be that he did not want to show that he was not the owner of the so-called “buffer zone” which was a separate real estate transaction that should have been disclosed in his  U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report for 2006?
Q.  Could it be that he did not want to disclose his dealings with the Rezko’s?
Clearly Barack H Obama did not comply with the U.S. Senate rules in disclosing all transactions that exceed $1,000.00 as stipulated by the report from 2006.  Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn that Barack H Obama has committed an infraction/violation of United States Senate Ethics Rules as it pertains to proper disclosures of financial transactions.

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